Categories: Dogs And Popcorn

How To Create A Popcorn Snack For Your Dog

Popcorn and movies make for a great pairing. With your furry friend by your side, the night couldn’t be more perfect. Most dogs have that longing gaze when we much on our popcorn. The urge to our snacks with our best friend usually grows with each drooling gaze.

However, before letting your canine friend have a taste, you need to be aware of the implications the treat may have on their health. That’s why it’s vital to check with your veterinarian to ensure the foods and treats you give your dog are safe for them to consume and don’t adversely affect their medication, illness or allergies.

Is It Safe for My Dog to Eat Popcorn?

Popcorn contains several minerals, fiber and trace vitamins that are healthy for canine nutrition. However, not all popcorn ingredients are great for dogs. Popcorn additives like salt, butter and oils can upset their intestines and cause other health complications.

Obesity and its accompanying health problems can also affect dogs that consume butter and oils in popcorn. Popcorn kernels pose a choking hazard to dogs and can get lodged in their teeth, causing dental problems.

On a different note, not all popcorn is bad for dogs. Air-popped plain popcorn, for instance, is safe for dogs and makes for an occasional treat. But you must remember to remove unpopped or partially popped kernels before serving popcorn to your dog.

Can My Dog Get Sick From Eating Flavored Popcorn?

Dogs experience food allergies just like humans. Therefore, caution is needed when introducing your dog to new foods, especially ones they’ve never tried. Seasoning and other popcorn toppings may improve the flavor for us, but they can be harmful to canines.

  • Butter and oils – Dogs that consume high-fat-containing foods may suffer pancreatitis, which is not only painful but can be fatal. Common signs of pancreatitis to watch out for after feeding popcorn to dogs may include lethargy, diarrhea, vomiting and stomach discomfort
  • Salt – Salt poisoning in dogs increases thirst and causes diarrhea, vomiting, tremors and possible seizures. Extreme salt toxicity can be lethal
  • Additives and artificial flavorings – avoid giving your dog popcorn rich in additives and artificial flavorings. They can cause gastrointestinal disturbances and acute allergic reactions in dogs

It’s important to monitor your dog closely and contact a professional veterinarian if your dog ate popcorn and shows concerning symptoms after giving your dog popcorn. Also, to be safe, stick to plain popcorn for your dog.

My Dog Wants to Eat Popcorn. What Do I Do?

If you notice your dog is always keen on your popcorn, make it a habit to prepare a separate batch of kernel-free plain popcorn for them. Here are some noteworthy details to remember when feeding your dog popcorn without risking their health:

  • Make a separate plain batch
  • Remove unpopped and partially popped kernels
  • Serve the treat in moderation

You can share the joy of popcorn time by preparing a dog-friendly popcorn treat while you enjoy delicious Topsy’s gourmet popcorn in a variety of famous flavors. Order a tin today!


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